A Stephen Minster is a lay member of the congregation who has a strong faith, has gone through special training, and follows Jesus’ command that we love one another. A Stephen Minister is a trained listener, a caring person, and a Christian friend. Stephen Ministers has been trained to listen when someone is hurting and offer comfort and hope in times of need.
Who can be helped?
Loss, grief, a life transition, illness of oneself or of a loved one, and spiritual depletion are just a few of the reasons to reach out and seek a Stephen Minister. Sometimes simply going through a difficult, painful, or confusing time of life will bring someone to ask for a Stephen Minister. There are many different reasons as there are people.
Each week, a Stephen Minister meets one-on-one with you. He or she listens to you, prays for you, prays with you if you wish, encourages you, and comforts you. He or she gives you his or her undivided time and attention and always treats you with dignity and respect. A Stephen Minister is someone who truly cares about you. God is the cure-giver for you. The Stephen Minister is the care-giver.
So when you are experiencing difficult times, don’t struggle alone. Our Stephen Ministers will walk with you, listen to you, encourage you, pray with you, and provide confidential one-to-one care to help you through tough times. Stephen Ministers can bring the love of Jesus back into your life.
If you or someone you know is hurting, a Stephen Minister could be available to help. Request a Stephen Minister by contacting either Pastor Sonja or Pastor Joel at (970) 667-1836. All inquiries are confidential.
To learn more please visit the main website http://www.stephenministries.org/