At Zion we value faith formation for our youngest students. We recognize that faith formation happens in lots of different ways and want to support the faith formation that is happening in your homes and day to day lives. The programs we offer through church seek to provide multiple places for connection, learning and growth. We are excited about our partnerships with King of Glory and Trinity—other Loveland Lutheran congregations. We often do faith formation events together which allows us a richer experience as we learn from one another. This partnership is called Loveland Lutheran Faith Formation (L2F2). Some of the Faith Formation opportunities for young families and elementary students are listed below, if you have questions about any of these events, please contact
Kids in Christ: As a part of worship each week, we invite the kids forward for Kids in Christ. This is a special part of worship for the kids to learn more about the Scripture reading for the day and practice the memory verse.
Nursery Care: Children of all ages are welcome and encouraged to participate in worship. There is also a cry room and nursery care available at all services. For any activity that Zion offers, we can also provide nursery care. If you are planning on participating in a Zion event and would like nursery care, please contact the office at several days prior to the event/activity so we can coordinate nursery care for you.
Sunday School: Most Sundays during the school year we offer age-specific Sunday School. Sunday School take place in between our worship services from 9:40-10:40. Our elementary students are split into different groups to learn about God’s love for them through games, crafts, and other activities. As they grow together, they build community with one another and with their teachers.
First Communion Class: At Zion we know that children may be ready for First Communion at different times. We offer different age specific First Communion classes during Lent for kids and families. When the parents and the student think they’re ready for first communion, they are invited to sign up for these classes. The culmination of First Communion classes is on Maundy Thursday. We hold a celebratory meal and invite the participants and their parents to bake bread for our Maundy Thursday evening service and then receive First Communion together.
Vacation Bible School (VBS): Every June Zion offers a VBS program for pre-school and elementary students. VBS meets every weekday morning for a week so kids can learn more about God’s love them, hear Bible stories in a new light, learn some new songs, and engage in fun learning activities. VBS is a time of celebration and summer fun.
Sky Ranch Summer Camp: In late summer, Zion selects a week for our elementary students to participate at Sky Ranch, a Lutheran Camp west of Fort Collins. For students completing grades 1-3 there is a three day/two night camp option, and for students completing grades 3-5 there is a full week option. Sky Ranch is a beautiful place to spend time outdoors, go hiking, participate in activities, and encounter Christ on the mountain. You can check out their website